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Caught in the Act of Kindness - March 2025

Celebrating individuals, groups and organizations that share their time, talent and treasure to meet the needs in our community.


“A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.” ~ Amelia Earhart

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Photo credit: Lane Wilkinson

Naples Children & Education Foundation’s 25th Annual Naples Winter Wine Festival generated more than $34 million to support at-risk and underprivileged children in Collier County.

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Julia Van Domelen with Healthcare Network President & CEO Jamie Ulmer

The Bill and Julia Van Domelen Foundation donated $5 million to Healthcare Network to help build the Orangetree community health center, ensuring essential healthcare access for over 41,000 underserved residents in northeastern Collier County.

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STARability participants kicked off the evening with a special performance of “This is Me.”
(Photo credit: Zee Anna Photography)

STARability Foundation hosted its 7th Annual STAR Gala: Illuminating Abilities, raising a record-breaking $3.2 million to support its innovative, community-based and life-changing programs, experiences and opportunities for people of all abilities.

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Champions For Learning - Take Stock in Children Induction 2024

Champions For Learning hosted its signature fundraising event, the “Night for Champions Gala,” raising a record-breaking amount in excess of $1.1 million for students and educators in Collier County. Additionally, Collier Community Foundation granted $20,000 to nonprofit to support its Take Stock in Children Program.

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Millie Savarese, Dale Mullin and Kathy Peppe gathered at Delta House for a ceremonial check presentation from the Naples Woman’s Club.

The Naples Woman’s Club and Collier Community Foundation donated a combined $55,000 to Warrior Homes of Collier — $25,000 from the Naples Woman’s Club and $30,000 from Collier Community Foundation. Thanks to many generous donors, the nonprofit also repaid a $2.7 million loan early, securing Delta House, its largest property.

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Joshua Torres, Nate Eaton, Tricia Williams and Sean Williams

The 32nd Annual Red Sox Celebrity Classic Event Series raised more than $400,000 to benefit a planned pediatric surgery center at Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida.

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Preferred Travel partners Olga Placeres and Kristina and Kody Gear present a check to Boys & Girls Club of Collier County President and CEO Megan McCarthy Beauvais. (Photo courtesy of Preferred Travel.)

The Schoen Foundation granted $500,000 to Boys & Girls Club of Collier County to enhance the Club’s Project Learn programming. Preferred Travel & Company also donated $20,000 to help the nonprofit provide its after-school and out-of-school programming.

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Michael, pediatric cancer patient, donor Barry Lukatch and Michael's brother, Nate.

Barbara’s Friends, the Golisano Children’s Hospital cancer fund, created the Teddy Bear Endowment Fund with a $150,000 gift from philanthropist Barry Lukatch, ensuring ongoing community support for children facing cancer and blood disorders.

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Fischer Family Foundation site visit with Pace Center for Girls, Lee

The Fischer Family Foundation granted a total of $66,000 to support seven local nonprofits making an impact in Southwest Florida: Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Sun Coast, Calusa Nature Center & Planetarium, The Immokalee Foundation, Jewish Family & Children’s Service of the Suncoast, Naples Retreat, Pace Center for Girls, Lee and SalusCare.

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Seated: Lori Marshall, Mary Gray, Miriam Burdulis, Nan Moore, Pamela Hostetter, Pat Connell; Standing: John Callery, Kari Lefort, Nina Gray

More than 100 people attended Collier Resource Center’s signature event, “Cocktails for a Cause,” raising $62,033 for enhanced case management.

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Junior ROTC Color Guard

Naples Lakes Country Club’s 5th annual golf tournament raised nearly $40,000 to support Home Base Florida, service members and military families.

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Thanks to a generous $30,000 donation from Joy and Denis Franks on behalf of the Ammerman Family Foundation, the Wonder Gardens welcomed former Shell Factory birds — a keel-billed toucan named Rita and a Moluccan cockatoo named Dusty — into their new aviaries.

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FutureMakers Coalition at Collaboratory granted Avow $35,000 towards completion of a five-month Healthcare Leadership course to assist with growing and retaining its skilled workforce.

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Naples Pathways Coalition hosted nearly 400 cyclists, walkers and runners at its 20th Annual Iron Joe Turkey Ride & Walk raising more than $26,000 to support its mission to create safe, bikeable and walkable communities in Collier County.


Collier Community Foundation granted $25,000 to NAMI Collier County, Inc. to support HUGS, its Children’s Mental Health Program.

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The Jingled Elves granted $25,000, and the Valencia Bonita Lunch Bunch donated $1,010 to the Alliance for Period Supplies of Southwest Florida, ensuring safe, hygienic and worry-free periods for a total of 10,081 at-risk women and girls in Collier County.

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The Immokalee Foundation Engineering & Construction Management Pathway student William A. onsite at his recent internship at MHK Architecture.


PNC Foundation granted $25,000 to The Immokalee Foundation in support of its nationally recognized Career Pathways program.

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First Foundation Bank donated $10,000 to Pathways Early Education Center of Immokalee to enhance its efforts to provide high-quality learning opportunities for young children.

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Carol Hollander (Providence Exec Director) holding a photo of key NWC member Millie Savarese and Kathy Peppe (NWC) holding the $10,000 award.


The Naples Woman’s Club awarded a $10,000 grant to Providence House to support childcare services, empowering single mothers to achieve independence and self-sufficiency.

For consideration in Caught in the Act of Kindness, email an example of how an individual, group or organization went above and beyond to help those in need to Please include a related high-resolution photo as well.


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