Women and Men to Watch
There are people who make things happen, there are people who watch things happen, and there are people who wonder what happened. To be successful, you need to be a person who makes things happen. ~James A. Lovell

Collier County Clerk and Comptroller Crystal K. Kinzel has been appointed to a two-year term on the Florida Clerk of Courts Corporation by Florida Senate President Kathleen Passidomo.
Aysegul Timur, Ph.D. was selected to become FGCU’s fifth president by Florida Gulf Coast University’s Board of Trustees.

Lisa Gruenloh received the James V. Mudd Fellowship Award for 2023 from the Leadership Collier Foundation.

E. Sue Huff was presented a Pioneer Award for her six years of volunteer service chairing the Community Engagement Committee of the Blue Zones Project Southwest Florida. Aome Keough, April Raque and Melissa Severance are the new Community Engagement Committee co-chairs.
Right: Rafael Campo of Blue Zones Project with Aome Keough, Sue Huff, April Raque and Melissa Severance
Attorney Melany Hernandez was selected to serve on The Florida Bar's Diversity and Inclusion Committee.

Ralph and Shelly Stayer will chair the 2024 Naples Winter Wine Festival.

Bonnie Hart; Judy Gaffney; and Susan Abreu and her therapy dog, Nanny, were presented with Heart of Avow volunteer awards.

Naples Area Board of REALTORS® recognized the following members at its Annual Night of Honors: Corey McCloskey, PJ Smith, Mariana Beckner, Eric Nagel, Barbara Monahan, Jeff Jones, Brett Brown, Ileana Bogaert, Ron Coburn and Spencer Rigsby.
Ashley Gerry is the 2024 Night at The Museum: CMON Dreamhouse event chair.

Baker Senior Center Naples appointed George Kraus and Stephen Pino to its board of trustees.

Nat Ritter is the new chair of Jewish Federation of Greater Naples’ Board of Directors, which appointed a new slate of officers: Marc Saperstein, Arlene Sobol, Beth Wolff, Rosalee Bogo, Steve Strome and Jane Schiff as well as new board members Frank Baum, Alvin Becker, Myra Benedict, Harvey Cohen, Marcia Cohodes, Steve Iser and Jay Weiss.

Erin Houck-Toll was elected to Henderson Franklin’s Executive Committee.

Laura Alexander and Jason Grabowski were appointed to the Golisano Children’s Museum of Naples (CMON) board of directors.

Derace Schaffer and Brenda Ruth/Blickenstaff
Derace Schaffer, MD and Brenda Ruth/Blickenstaff joined Youth Haven, Inc.’s board of directors.

Kelly Dee, Phyllis Ettinger and Lisa McNichol are new members of Guadalupe Center’s Board of Trustees.

Erica Dayton was named the next Executive Director of the Golisano Foundation.
Iman Zekri of Henderson, Franklin, Starnes & Holt, P.A. is the new Vice Chair of Student Education and Admission to The Florida Bar Committee.

Kimberly Dye is the new Vice President of Advancement for David Lawrence Centers.

Brandon Robertson is the new director of Artis—Naples Naples Philharmonic Youth Jazz Orchestra.
Sadie Wilson is the new senior account coordinator for Wilson Creative Group.


Immokalee Foundation student Fabian Estrada was named a Leaders 4 Life Fellow by Take Stock in Children.

Nicole Culver, Larry Whitmore MSW and Lindsey Stiefvater joined the team at Home Base Florida.
For consideration in Women to Watch, email a recent success story of a woman you’d like to celebrate, along with her high-resolution photo, to inspireme@ebellamag.com. This might include a big accomplishment, award or honor received, appointment to a Board, educational achievement, etc.